In order to realize the full potential of small hydropower plants, the whole value chain from water to wire has to work efficiently. This requires a high degree of coordination. Siemens is the only integrated energy company that serves the entire energy conversion chain with products, solutions, and services. We are globally renowned for our technical expertise and have long term experience in providing turnkey solutions from scratch. As solution provider, we always present one face to our customer for the entire project. After completion, Siemens offers an extensive local support network in order to ensure the high availability of maintenance and other services. By doing so, we offer a highest degree of operational safety and efficiency.
Projects never look exactly the same. Local conditions or budget limitations are determining factors for small hydropower projects. Siemens offers cost-efficient solutions of different scope according to customer-specific requirements and capabilities. In the development process, we customize our solutions regarding design and equipment to reach the best solution for each client.
Turbines are very crucial components for small hydropower plants, as they finally turn water into energy. As an independent turbine supplier Siemens can choose between various leading turbine manufacturers, in order to get the best solution for each individual power plant. Due to our high degree of independence we have the capability to integrate turbines from different producers in one plant, if necessary. In doing so, Siemens always focuses on the goal to maximize efficiency, which transfers into high profitability for our clients.